Image Study in Australia

Cost to Study in Australia from Nepal

How Much Does It Cost To Study In Australia?

Depending on the degree program you select and the institution or school you enrol in, your tuition expenses will change. For instance, veterinary and medical degrees are often more expensive than other degrees. The annual tuition at higher institutions in Australia ranges from AUD 20,000 to AUD 30,000.

The cost of humanities, arts, and education courses tends to be a little lower than that of sciences and engineering courses, which are likely to be more expensive. If you wish to pursue postgraduate study, the tuition price is often higher and the costs vary depending on the program.

Tuition Fees in Australia as International Student:

Tuition Fees:

Student fees The largest expense associated with studying in Australia is tuition. The subject you select, the degree of education you're pursuing, and the university you attend will all affect how much you'll pay. For undergraduate degrees, Nepalese students typically spend between AUD 22,000 and AUD 50,000 per year, and for postgraduate degrees, between AUD 22,000 and AUD 50,000. Remember that some programs, like those in medicine or dentistry, may be considerably more expensive.

Education Average tuition Units(Average)
Bachelor’s Degree AUD $20,000 – $45,000 per year     24
Master’s Degree AUD $22,000 – $50,000 per year 12
Doctoral Degree AUD $20,000 – $42,000 per year 24-36
MBA AUD $11,000 – $121,000 per year 16

Living Expenses:

When studying in Australia, a distinct factor to consider is living expenses. Depending on your lifestyle, the city where you live, and your housing preferences, your financial demands will change. You should set aside between AUD 20,000 to AUD 27,000 per year for living expenses, which include housing, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses as a student from Nepal. Here is the estimation of living expenses shown in the table:

Living expenses Weekly budget (indicative)
1 AUD = 88.23 (04/19/2023)
Groceries and eating out $140 to $280
12,085.36 to 24,170.71 NRS
Gas, electricity $10 to $20
863.24 to 1,726.48 NRS
Phone and Internet $15 to $30
1,294.86 to 2,589.72 NRS
Public transport $30 to $60
2,589.72 to 5,179.44 NRS
Car (after purchase) $150 to $260
12,948.60 to 22,444.23 NRS
Entertainment $80 to $150
6,905.92 to 12,948.60 NRS


Expenses of Hostels Nepali students studying in Australia have a variety of housing alternatives to select from. Some institutions collaborate with private housing providers, while others provide housing on campus, such as dorms. Alternatively, you can decide to live alone and rent a room or apartment, which would provide you with more independence but might also cost more money.


Expenses (approx)

Hostels and Guesthouses

$90 to $150 per week

Shared Rental

$95 to $215 per week


$110 to $280 per week


$235 to $325 per week


$185 to $440 per week

Boarding schools

$11,000 to $22,000 a year

Additional Related Expenses When studying in Australia, you'll need to budget for additional costs than tuition, living expenses, and housing prices. For instance, you'll have to buy health insurance because it's a requirement for overseas students. The provider you select and the length of your stay will affect the cost of your health insurance. Budget for your course materials and textbooks as well, which might run you several hundred dollars each semester. Also, you might want to budget for travel costs including airfare to and from Australia and the cost of applying for a visa.

Student Visa Costs for Australia from Nepal:

If you are thinking how much the cost of a student visa for Australia from Nepal, Here is the table where you will get an idea of the total student visa cost for Australia from Nepal:

Visa subclass Base application charge Additional applicant charge
18 and over
Additional applicant charges under 18 Subsequent temporary application charge
Student visa (subclass 500) $630 $470 $155 $700
Student visa (subclass 500) (subsequent entrant) $630 $470 $155 $700
Student visa (subclass 500) – Foreign Affairs or Defence sector nil nil nil nil
Student visa (subclass 500) – Postgraduate research sector $630 nil nil nil
Student Guardian (subclass 590) $630 nil nil  

Study Costs in Australia for Nepalese Students:

 The tuition fees are basically range between AUD 20,000 and AUD 30,000 per year however tuition fees vary from university to university and the specific course you applying for and the location of the university:

Study Program Average fees in AUD*
1 AUD = 88.23 (04/19/2023)
School $7,800 to $30,000 annually
6,75,108.55 to 25,96,571.36 NRS
English language studies $350-450 weekly (varies as per course length)
30,293.33 to 38,948.57 NRS
Vocational Education and Training (Certificates I to IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma) $4000 – $22,000 annually
3,46,209.51 to 19,04,152.33 NRS
Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree $20,000 – $45,000* annually
17,31,047.57 to 38,94,857.03 NRS
Postgraduate Master’s Degree $22,000 – $50,000* annually
19,04,152.33 to 43,27,618.93 NRS
Doctoral Degree $18,000 – $42,000* annually 15,57,942.81 to 36,35,199.90 NRS

Transportation Costs in Australia for Nepalese Students

If you're a student from Nepal studying in Australia, don't worry about transportation. Most Australian cities have good public transportation that costs around $30 to $60 per week, depending on where you're going and when.

To make things even easier, you can get an Opal card in Sydney or a Myki card in Melbourne. These smart cards cost around $50 per week and let you travel around the city without having to buy separate tickets for each trip. It's a simple and affordable way to explore all that Australia has to offer!


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