Test Prep Classes & Mock Test
What's your plan behind your decision of taking English Language Test Preparation Classes? Who are you as an aspirant? What class are you looking for? IELTS or PTE? What’s your impression about such classes? Do you know that such classes are not for the purpose of meeting English Language proficiency requirement of the course only but they also indicate and enhance your understanding about the contents & contexts you deal with in the class room, in the text books, in practice test and ultimately in the real life abroad. Hence, please consider taking your Test Prep classes with high importance.
Another important advantage of those classes is to learn the process of learning itself. Yes, the mode of studying in the class rooms abroad is based on a systematic framework where you are constantly under the pressure of dealing with your comprehension of curriculum, the deadlines and accuracy without any plagiarism issues.
At Mates International – Education & Visa Services, we do not only focus on your ability to score high in IELTS or PTE, but more importantly, the we emphasise you to learn the subject-matter of the contents since they are mostly based on various civilisations, advance technology, the never-heard history and even the cultural aspects of the same country you are intending to go to pursue your abroad study dream. Mates inculcates in you the caliber to score the higher points through the test preparation classes and also prepares you to adjust in new cultures. It armours you with the provision of effective mock test which would enhance your confidence required for begetting the higher score.
Our new classes start every Monday from 7 am. However if you want specific time for specific group, please call us right now and request for your convenient time. Kindly contact the nearest branch at your convenience.
Mates International Education conducts Mock Test every Sunday starting from 7 am. To find out more about the mock test please visit this page.
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